
Jin Hee Park


The purpose of this art is to present women's transformed lives in society through my life experiences. As a woman from South Korea, a country that concretely separates women from men in a traditional way, I have expressed the continuous changes in my life brought about by changes in the society where I belong. I created various forms of cocoons that, like wombs, have protected me from negative effects. I have also presented the variety of transformed women's lives in two types of art, sculpture and jewelry. The main concern for my thesis is to develop line work in the various methods possible in textile techniques, which bring pattern, rhythm, space, boundaries, scale, symmetry, and asymmetry. Through these works, I have captured the images that represent women's characteristics, such as softness, strength, and grace.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Metal sculpture--Themes, motives; Metal sculpture--Technique; Women in art; Femininity in art

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

School for American Crafts (CIAS)


Urso, Leonard

Advisor/Committee Member

Caballero-Perez, Juan Carlos

Advisor/Committee Member

Bushnell, Eileen


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