
A matched filter is a device used to detect the presence and position of known objects in a scene. The ability to create an optical matched filter has been around for many years. The current filters have some aspects that are troublesome. The problems encountered by these filters include quantization error, and complexity in generating the matched filters. The optical matched filter being studied eliminates these problems in an attempt to generate a better filter. There are also other potential implications of this research. One can envision such a system being used for real-time target detection. The primary advantage over conventional digital image processing is the ability to compute at "the speed of light." The filter has two necessary components: one to compute the complex conjugate of the phase and the other to store the complement of the magnitude. Reflexite™ , (an array of corner-cube retroreflectors), was studied for its potential use in the optical matched filter as a phase conjugator. Transitions Lenses™ , (a photochromic optical window), was studied for its potential use to store the complement of the magnitude real-time. Early on we determined that the Transitions Lenses™ would not be feasible for our optical set-up. We also concluded that the while Reflexite™ does approximately conjugate the phase it would not be adequate to perform optical matched filtering. It did however work well enough to be used in simple optical filtering experiments.

Publication Date


Document Type

Senior Project

Student Type


Degree Name

Imaging Science (BS)

Department, Program, or Center

Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science (COS)


Not listed.


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in February 2014. senior project.


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