
Jesse Coleman


This paper presents the design and construction of a software translator that serves as a foundation, or central engine, around which an entire engineering software system can be constructed. To provide the user with a powerful interface to drive an application, a high-level procedural language similar to FORTRAN or BASIC is integrated into the translator. An application shell was also written to provide the user with an interactive command line environment for using the translator. The translator, language, and application shell together mechanize a programming and command interpreter environment. Users can interactively enter commands from the keyboard or load and process pre-written macro files from disk. The language gives users the ability to create variables, arrays, and functions, process complex mathematical expressions, and develop sophisticated macro programs. The language is quite capable of solving very complex engineering problems. Several engineering examples are presented including a solution to a four-bar crank mechanism, adding a material library to an application, a command line integration solver, a Runge-Kutta routine for solving sets of differential equations, and a convolution integral routine. The translator is modular, easily extensible, written entirely in C/C++, and readily portable to different platforms. A set of diagnostic tools is integrated into the translator to aid the developer in future development work. Complete theory and design details for all phases of the translator and language are presented. Performance issues are studied including a comparison against C/C++ and MS-DOS Qbasic. Exploration in application integration for a simulation package similar to CSMP is investigated. A complete Language and Compiler Guide is supplied with the program.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Translators (Computer programs)--Design and construction; Compilers (Computer programs)--Design and construction; C (Computer program language); C++ (Computer program language); Engineering--Computer programs

Publication Date


Document Type



Not listed


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in December 2013. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: QA76.76.T83C643 1995


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