
Army Fithry


Advances in hardware and software technology make computer and communications integration becomes a reality. The popularity of multimedia board for PC together with modem that can handle voice makes operating system's vendor, like Microsoft, add some kind of abilities to their product to explore them. The Telephony API, one of the most significant API sets to be released by Microsoft, is a single set of function calls that allows programmers to manage and manipulate any type of communications link between the PC and the telephone line(s). With visual programming tools, such as Visual Basic, TAPI become a powerful tool to create a telephony application that works like or even more sophisticated than a real telephony device. The Answering Machine Application is application that will be able to handle outbound call and inbound call. The outbound calls can be made by entering and dialing telephone number using GUI interface provided by the application. However, the biggest part of application is to handle inbound calls. The inbound calls could be answered by person or by application. It gives caller the possibility to listen to the announcement or to leave a message. The application also provide facility to create and maintain multiple voice mailboxes and each of which can contain multiple messages.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Telephone answering and recording apparatus; Digital telephone systems--Automation; Voice mail systems

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

Information Sciences and Technologies (GCCIS)


Hermanns, Robert


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: TK5103.7 .F57 1999


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