
Palatable Tour is an innovative project that aims to introduce Chinese culture to people through an interactive website that uses information design and motion graphics. The project utilizes visual communication and information visualization techniques to present cultural-related information in an engaging and easily understandable manner. The primary goal of the Palatable Tour is to increase cultural awareness by presenting the significance of Chinese culture through the exploration of ingredients in traditional hot pots. This project is unique in that it combines information design, illustration, 3d motion graphics, and interactivity to create an engaging and informative user experience. The website will allow users to explore different hot pots from different cities in China and the various ingredients used in traditional hot pots, using interactive design to mimic the way people have hotpots in the real world to learn about the cultural significance and discover new recipes and cooking techniques. to present complex information in a simple and visually appealing way and guide people step by step which helps them get familiar with food CultureThis approach will allow users to easily navigate the website and explore the various cultural aspects through different types of Chinese hot pot cuisine.

Abstract (Chinese)

Palatable Tour是一个创新项目,旨在通过一个使用信息设计和动态图形的互动网站向人们介绍中国文化。 该项目利用视觉传达和信息可视化技术,以引人入胜且易于理解的方式呈现与文化相关的信息。 美食之旅的主要目标是通过探索传统火锅中的食材来展示中国文化的重要性,从而提高文化意识。 该项目的独特之处在于它结合了信息设计、插图、3d 动态图形和交互性,以创建引人入胜且信息丰富的用户体验。 该网站将允许用户探索来自中国不同城市的不同火锅以及传统火锅中使用的各种成分,使用交互设计模仿人们在现实世界中吃火锅的方式,以了解文化意义并发现新的食谱和烹饪技巧。网站以简单且具有视觉吸引力的方式呈现复杂的信息,并逐步引导人们熟悉饮食文化。这种方法将使用户能够轻松浏览网站并通过不同类型的中国火锅美食探索各种文化方面。

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Cooking, Chinese--Sichuan style--Interactive multimedia--Design; Cooking, Chinese--Beijing style--Interactive multimedia--Design; Cooking, Chinese--Cantonese style--Interactive multimedia--Design; Web sites--Design

Publication Date


Document Type


Student Type


Degree Name

Visual Communication Design (MFA)

Department, Program, or Center

School of Design (CAD)


Adam Smith

Advisor/Committee Member

Mike Strobert


RIT – Main Campus

Plan Codes

