
Suno (“Listen” in Hindi) is a 3D Animated Short that revolves around our main character Sid’s day in his life where he decides to find someone who would listen to him about what he’s going through without passing judgement of their own. Sid is an 18-year-old boy living in a typical Indian household with his parents and grandmother. Sid has always been a brilliant student academically and has had accolades in sports rendering him in what one may call an astounding over-all achiever. Even so, he has started to feel burned out and depressed. He has gone into his own shell and has many days of detachment from everything he used to love. Finally, he decided to talk to his family. He struggles to get his voice across and just be heard during this story. He bursts out in front of his grandmother but to his surprise, she was more than helpful in lending an ear which was exactly what Sid needed at that time.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Computer animation--Themes, motives; Computer animation--Technique; Animated films--Themes, motives; Animation (Cinematography); Depression, Mental--Drama; Listening--Drama; Families--Drama

Publication Date


Document Type


Student Type


Degree Name

Film and Animation (MFA)

Department, Program, or Center

School of Film and Animation (CAD)


Mark Reisch

Advisor/Committee Member

Kevin Bauer

Advisor/Committee Member

Vanessa Sweet


RIT – Main Campus

Plan Codes

