
The aim of this research project is to analyze the supply side of Kosovo’s labor market with a focus on the employability of youth in Kosovo. In this Honors Project, I place special focus on analyzing the extent that the youth of Kosovo is prepared to enter and stay in the labor market. By placing particular focus on that area, I will be able to thoroughly examine Kosovo’s education system which represents the basis for the development of human capital; in particular, I analyze whether it is fostering or hampering the employability of youth in Kosovo. The data collected were mainly based on semi-structured interviews conducted with many experts in related fields, and also focus group discussions with students and other young people that were unemployed on a long-term basis. The findings of the semi-structured interviews suggest that the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology need closer cooperation in order to reform the education system according to labor market needs which would then increase the employability and competitiveness of the youth of Kosovo. Further investments should be made so that more training, internship, and volunteer opportunities are offered in the market of which the youth can benefit immensely.

Publication Date


Document Type

Senior Project

Student Type



Venera Demukaj


RIT Kosovo
