
Kosovo, a young country with a relatively high proportion of youth among its population, is in a pivotal period in which investment plays a key role. Apart from private investors, the country has been subject to the abundant inflow of financial resources from international and local organizations, including non-governmental ones or NGOs. Each with a different mission, these NGOs have sought to positively influence the economic environment in Kosovo, while some of them have continuously invested in youth through vast scholarship funds aimed at supporting students based on merit. But how effective are these funds in terms of developing the recipients’ careers?

The purpose of this project is to identify the underlying relationship in between scholarships and student careers. With a specific focus on IPKO Foundation and its so-called Next Generation Scholarship Program, this project identifies and analyzes any existing consistencies or inconsistencies in between the beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the aforementioned scholarship program. By investing in youth, IPKO Foundation seeks to foster a young generation of capable leaders. The project uses interviews and surveys to collect relevant data, analyze it, and come up with adequate conclusions in regards to the relationship of the scholarship with the students’ employment rates, wage rates, and cumulative grade point averages (CGPAs).

In order to improve the effects of the IPKO Foundation Next Generation Scholarship Program, a list of recommendations has been compiled which offer concrete suggestions to the current strategy of scholarships by restructuring it and modifying certain elements. This enables a better allocation of scholarship funds with a possible focus on easing other prevalent social issues.

Publication Date


Document Type

Senior Project

Student Type



Venera Demukaj


RIT Kosovo
