
Goal of the project is to develop a scalable web application to monitor a wireless sensor network. Wireless sensor network, an upcoming technology, is comprised of multiple data sensors that send back packets of information back to the base station. The sensor network runs on a real time operating system called TinyOS and the application is implemented using Moteiv Telos Revision B wireless sensors. The web application collects the reading from the base station and generates graphical representation of the readings for the front end and creates PDF reports when readings are not within defined thresholds. This application incorporates various realms of computer science like ad-hoc networking, distributed systems and web development. The project is implemented using technologies like Java, JSP, SQL Server 2000. A data reading layer is implemented that communicates with the motes using base station and checks if the anomaly occurred or not and updates the database. Front end displays the readings in the graphical format and allows user to control the monitoring, mote status etc. some of the few goals of this project is to implement user scalability, data storage and analysis, report generation and real time monitoring.

Publication Date


Document Type

Master's Project

Student Type


Department, Program, or Center

Computer Science (GCCIS)


Reznik, Leon - Chair

Advisor/Committee Member

Bischof, Hans-Peter

Advisor/Committee Member

Canosa, Roxanne


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works in February 2013.


RIT – Main Campus
