
Andrew Eckert


There is a growing market for digital single-lens refl ex cameras (SLRs) that is driven by their ease of use, accessibility, and falling price points. Marketing these cameras with an interactive tutorial not only allows photo enthusiasts to improve as photographers, but also gives the retailer a profi table add-on and selling incentive. This work explores how interactive multimedia can be utilized as a source for instruction in camera mechanics. The proposed model is an interface using a virtual camera with which the user interacts. From this starting point the user can choose tutorials from corresponding elements on the camera. The topics covered include the shutter, aperture, image sensor, lens, and metering system. The interface allows for multiple paths through the tutorials. The tutorials are also interconnected so the user can transfer between topics when necessary. Tutorial information is layered from basic to detailed so the user can determine the amount of information they will access on a particular topic. By providing information in this way the users can customize the tutorial to fi t their needs and interests.

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Interactive multimedia--Design; Digital cameras--Marketing; Single-lens reflex cameras--Marketing; Photography--Digital techniques--Interactive multimedia; Photography--Digital techniques--Study and teaching; Web-based instruction--Design

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

School of Design (CIAS)


Deluna, Dan

Advisor/Committee Member

Davidhazy, Andy

Advisor/Committee Member

Lachance, Patti


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: QA76.9.I58 E34 2008


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