
Retinal photography and angiography is the process of documenting a person's retina, the inside lining of the eye, using a specially designed camera. Traditionally, these images have been recorded on both color slide and black and white film. Recent technological advances in electronic /digital imaging have led to new means of recording these retinal images. These images may be viewed on a computer monitor, but typically these images are printed to a high resolution /addressability output device. By utilizing a high resolution /addressability ink jet printer it may be possible to produce output of these images at a quality equal to those produced by a dye sublimation printer. This thesis project investigates the possibility that a 720 x 720 dots per inch ink jet printer can be used as an alternative to a far more expensive 300 dots per inch black and white dye sublimation printer. A total of two different retinal angiograms were printed on each device. The standard output from the dye sublimation printer was judged with three different substrates from the ink jet printer, plain paper, coated paper, and photographic quality paper. Each angiogram has four separate pages. These pages are 8.5 inches x 11 inches with 1, 4, 9, and 16 images per page. Each page was printed on the follow substrates: Kodak Ektatherm print paper, Hammermill plain paper, Canon HR 101 high resolution paper, and Kodak Photographic Quality Ink Jet Paper. The study involved visual evaluation of the images by fifteen ophthalmologists experienced at looking at and interpreting angiograms. Under standard /normal viewing conditions, the fifteen judges compared the four pages (1 up, 4 up, 9 up and 16 up) generated from the Kodak dye sublimation printer and the identical images printed on the Canon BJC 620 ink jet printer on the three different substrates. They judged each series and rated each output acceptable or unacceptable for use in the following areas: diagnosis and treatment, chart copy, and referral copy. Their evaluations were recorded using a response sheet. The results of this experiment are be shown as a percentage of acceptable or unacceptable for each substrate and image layout (1 up, 4 up, 9 up and 16 up).

Library of Congress Subject Headings

Ophthalmic photography; Fluorescence angiography; Ink-jet printing; Color photography--Printing processes--Dye transfer; Imaging systems--Image quality

Publication Date


Document Type


Department, Program, or Center

School of Print Media (CIAS)


Cost, Frank


Note: imported from RIT’s Digital Media Library running on DSpace to RIT Scholar Works. Physical copy available through RIT's The Wallace Library at: RE79.P54 F584 1997


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