Comment on "A Prototype SECS message service for communication in the semiconductor manufacturing environment"

James Baratz
John Birchak
Frederic Brehm
James Vallino

IEEE Transactions on semiconductor manufacturing article. Copyright 1989 IEEE.


The protocol described in the article "A Prototype SECS Message Service for Communication in the Semiconductor Manufacturing Environment”' was designed in cooperation with the Subnet Task Force of the Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International (SEMI) Communications Standards Committee. The technical design and a software implementation were carried out at the University of Michigan with frequent reviews by the task force, particularly during the early months. The primary development of SMS was done by James R. Moyne as a research project directed by Prof. Leo C. McAfee, Jr., and supported by the Semiconductor Research Corporation. The published article reflects the services and protocol as agreed to by the Subnet through August 1988. Moyne produced a software implementation and also a demonstration which was shown at SEMICON/West'88.